Anna Chekh
Faceless -
Skaya Art Agency, a Dubai-based boutique art consultant, is proud to announce the return of Anna Chekh's Faceless exhibition! The pieces to be exhibited offer a mix of acrylic paint on canvas and sculptures in a bright and vibrant colourscape combining art and imagination, presided over by a shadow man. The exhibition is open to the public from 17th December until 1oth January at Boccara Gallery, DIFC.
Be invisible, be seen.
Anna invites you to find yourself within a bright and vibrant colorscape of art and imagination, presided over by shadow man. He is a faceless person whose desire is to experience everything by being in the thick of it whilst remaining in the shadows. You can easily find him yet it is hard to recognise. He is the image of the generation. We are all digital entities. Reality has ceased to be fashionable. Virtuality is what most people want. Anonymity is what there is a request for. The idea of the FACELESS also continues in the work with horses’ characters. Through the image of this artistic animal the artist shows different emotional forms that are very close to us, people. Whether if it’s the modern society with behavioral patterns of masks for wearing it every day or differences confuses of life which twist us into the knot.
Faceless : Anna Chekh
Past viewing_room